Baby laying on mother's shoulder

Evivo infant probiotics protect babies within, for all the moments ahead

With the strain baby needs, B. infantis EVC001

How does Evivo probiotics work in infants?


The science behind our baby probiotics aims to unlock the gut microbiome’s full potential by uncovering natural synergies between beneficial bacteria and the human diet.

Explore our science

For Parents

Supporting parents to help set their babies on the life course of health that nature intended, with Evivo infant probiotic.

Learn how Evivo works


We can explain the science behind our newborn probiotics because we made the discoveries – explore our peer-reviewed articles, white papers, podcasts, and more.

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Evivo Products

Our research to understand mysteries within breast milk led us to discover the power of its synergy with B. infantis EVC001. The single strain that baby needs, and only found in Evivo. Evivo is intended for use in term infants.

Evivo Infant Probiotic Powder

Evivo infant probiotic powder package

A daily powder probiotic intended for babies fed any amount of breast milk to help establish a protective gut microbiome and support healthy immune function.

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Up close of baby mid-section

We believe our story can change a baby’s story

Our founders, five scientists from the University of California Davis, spent decades researching the health benefits of breast milk and the infant gut microbiome. This research built the scientific foundation for Evivo infant probiotic.

Resource Center

Learn how early attention to the gut microbiome can change lives. Explore educational webinars, peer-reviewed publications, and articles.

Our Science

Our focus is understanding naturally intended synergies between microbiome and diet.

Our Products

Evivo infant probiotics partner with breast milk to better health.


Evidence-based, peer-reviewed research.

Connect with us

Email us at for customer service, support, and to learn more about our probiotics.